Little Chocolate Cotton Candies from Cleo Coyle

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These little chocolate meringue cookies are insanely easy to make with just a few ingredients. They're also bursting with chocolate flavor, and they're so light, they melt in your mouth like little cotton candies, yet they offer the added bonus of whole food protein.

There’s only one tricky technique to making this simple recipe, but I’ve included tips for getting optimum results. 

To download my recipe now as a free PDF, click here.

To read my full blog post, scroll down or click here and... 

Eat with joy! 
~ Cleo

New York Times bestselling author of...

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"I had some dreams, they were 
clouds in my coffee..." Carly Simon

Inspired by Carly Simon's lyrics, my original post on these cookies was titled "Little Chocolate Clouds," until my husband (and partner in crime-writing) sampled them and described them as "little chocolate cotton candies," which perfectly captures their melt-in-your mouth appeal, especially after you soften their crunchy exteriors by dipping them into a cup of warm coffee or tea.

Serve these little clouds as a light, after-dinner treat or eat them as a satisfying coffee break snack. You can even float one in a hot coffee or espresso. It will melt into the liquid, giving you a lovely hint of mocha in your cup.

The only tricky technique in making this simple recipe is whipping up the egg whites, but I have a wonderful video for you (below) that will make it a snap...

To watch a quick video tutorial on
how to whip egg whites properly,
click on the little white arrow
in the window below.

If you don't see a video above, watch the
video on YouTube by clicking here.

Cleo Coyle's
Little Chocolate Clouds

Makes 24 to 30 cookies, depending on size


4 egg whites (room temperature) See my tip below*
¼ teaspoon cream of tartar (to stabilize the egg whites)
1 teaspoon vanilla
¼ teaspoon salt
1 cup sugar
3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa

Optional decorations: chocolate sprinkles, mini chocolate chips, shredded coconut, chopped nuts

*Cleo Tip: After using the egg whites, keep the yolks for my Almond Milk Custard. Scroll to the end of this recipe to see a photo of the custard. Click here for the custard recipe, which includes a video tip on the best way to separate egg whites from yolks.


Step 1 – Before You Begin: First preheat the oven to 300° Fahrenheit. Some notes to help you get the best results here: Start with a mixing bowl that is glass, metal, or ceramic. The bowl must be free of grease for your egg whites to whip up properly. (Grease clings to plastic bowls, which is why you should not use plastic.) Also, for best results, your egg whites should be room temperature. I simply set my cold eggs in a bowl of warm tap water for 2 to 3 minutes before cracking.

Step 2 – Whip Egg Whites: Place egg whites, cream of tartar, vanilla, and salt into bowl. Using an electric mixer or handheld whisk, begin to whip the whites. When you see soft peaks begin to form (see "soft peaks" photo below), continue beating while slowly sprinkling in the sugar. When the egg whites have become stiff and glossy (see "stiff and glossy" photo below), stop whipping. Sift the cocoa over the egg whites and gently fold into the mix. The whites will deflate a little, but that’s okay.

Egg Whites Beaten to "Soft Peaks"

(Below) Sugar is slowly added and 
the egg whites are beaten until 
they are "stiff and glossy." 

Sifting in the unsweetened cocoa... 

Folding in the Unsweetened Cocoa... 

Step 3 – Form Little Chocolate Clouds: Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Make rustic little chocolate clouds by dropping batter by heaping teaspoons onto the paper. As a fun option and to create variety, try sprinkling some with with finely chopped nuts, others with shredded coconut, or chocolate sprinkles, or a few mini chocolate chips.

Step 4 – Bake in the preheated (300° F.) oven for about 25 to 35 minutes. Meringues should be dry and somewhat firm on the outside (not hard just firm) and still gooey in the center. Remove from oven and carefully slide the parchment paper off the hot pan and onto a rack to cool. Note: Warm meringues will stick to the parchment paper. But as they cool, they will harden. Then you can easily lift them free and…eat with joy! ~ Cleo

To download a free PDF of 
this recipe that you can print, 
save, or share, click here.


This recipe calls for 4 egg whites. You can store the unused egg yolks in the fridge for a morning omelet. Or make my Almond Milk Custard, which require exactly 4 large egg yolks. Perfect! To get the recipe now, click here or on the image below...

Waste not! Use your leftover egg yolks in this recipe
to make my Almond Milk Custard. For the recipe,
click the photo above and...

Eat (and read) with joy!

New York Times bestselling author
of The Coffeehouse Mysteries and
Haunted Bookshop Mysteries

Cleo (Alice) with her husband Marc

Visit Cleo's online coffeehouse here.
And follow her at these links...

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Our brand-new
Coffeehouse Mystery:
No Roast for the Weary

No Roast for the Weary
includes a killer menu of
tasty recipes. Get Cleo's

Free Recipe Guide below...


~ Criminal Element

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"Scads of red herrings, peeks behind the show-biz curtain, and bountiful appended recipes will leave fans smiling contentedly."


"This twentieth Coffeehouse mystery (after Honey Roasted) brings together the history of the shop, ripped-from-the-headlines plot elements, [and] the drama of on-site filming."


"This book has amazing pacing, excellent dialogue and a FANTASTIC MYSTERY!" Fresh Pick Readers' Selection

The Coffeehouse Mysteries are bestselling works
of amateur sleuth fiction set in a landmark 
Greenwich Village coffeehouse, and each of the 
21 titles includes the added bonus of recipes.  

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  1. Welcome to our "Survive Spring" online gathering. We hope you are doing all you can to stay safe and keep your spirits up. Let us know how you're doing in the comments below, and thanks for stopping by today. In the meantime...

    We hope our books, recipes, and newsletters will give you a little comfort and joy at this challenging time. With much love,

    ~ Cleo
    Sign up for Cleo’s free Newsletter

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    1. I've always been afraid of recipes that are made with meringue but this looks like I could really do it. Love your books. flatbus

    2. Cleo!! It's been a long time since I've gotten on your site. I've missed reading your books and making your delightful goodies. After a year of babysitting our granddaughter from 3 months old to 15 months old on a Marine base in California because there was no daycare available and getting back home just in time to go on lockdown... I've had little time to read!! Getting to see our darlin' granddaughter for her first year plus was such a gift. But now I'm going to have to wait for bookstores to open and the library to get your books. We are healthy and all our family and friends are healthy. So glad to know you and Marc are doing well. You are in my prayers believe it or not! Take care and thank you for keeping us occupied during this time. maryhub

    3. Looks like a great recipe!! Hubster and I are both retired, so "sticking together" isn't an issue. Love your books......a fellow 'Burgher...ritajoe

    4. I am excited to try a new cookie recipe and have always wanted to try these and since they are chocolate that makes it better!

    5. My whole family had a chest cold, later found out it was some symptoms of the covid. It took three weeks to get over, we lost our taste and smell, had a low grade fever but no problems breathing, thankfully. It was very scary. But now everyone is ok and working, because they are essential workers. I love your newsletter it is always uplifting to read. 😃 charhay

    6. cheriwho. I am excited to enter your contest! I plan to make these cookies this weekend. I read your latest coffeehouse book when I checked it out from our library. Then all this Covid stuff happened and our library had to shut down so I couldn't check out any of the other books in the series. I decided it would be a great excuse to start at the first book and learn Clare's entire story. thank goodness for Amazon! I am up to book 5 and I also ordered the first 2 books of the haunted bookstore series. I am enjoying those quite a bit also. Love your books and your newsletters and can't wait to try more of the recipes. Thanks

    7. I appreciate you publishing a recipe that will not put lots of weight on. It seems like the long we stay quarantined the strong my temptation is to skip the diet. Thank you.

    8. Looks like it is going on the menu tomorrow. Yum.

    9. Yummy! Always love the recipes in your posts. We are doing fine, very lucky to have supplies and being retired able to stay at home and safe.

    10. Wow Cleo these looks amazing. I do tiny tea party's with my girlfriends and there little girls. These are going to be perfect. Thank you so much for another wonderful recipe. belinda

    11. I love your books and find myself baking again. Thank you for the recipe and the contest.

    12. Your Chocolate Cotton Candy sounds like it would make a nice base for the Almond Milk Custard to create a yummy Pavlova - maybe with fresh sweet cherries or raspberries ....

  2. These look like fun! every recipe I make of yours is i know they will be good! Yum! thanks! :) profhol

  3. I love your books and your recipes! Thank you for sharing, and for your generosity. We're doing as well as can be expected in these crazy times. My cat Pita keeps me sane. :) I hope you and Marc are safe and well. Thank you for this chance! areewek

  4. Thanks for your delectable recipes and your captivating books. We are doing well and walk daily to stay sane. saubleb

  5. Thank you for the books you write and the chocolate cloud recipes. embam1969@

  6. I'm doing great. Still working and catching up on my reading in my Leisure Time.

  7. The recipe looks wickedly good. And just when I'm trying not to give in to a chocolate craving!

  8. I will try this out Thursday! Thanks for the hours of fun and the recipe. sgtjohns2345@

  9. The Little Chocolate Clouds look so fluffy and delightful! I'll have to try them; I'm sure they are delicious!

  10. We are doing well in Ohio, I'm getting lots of books read!

  11. Th Are pie will give me something to do next week since we are still inside I our town. They look easy and delicious

  12. Oh looks so good!!! Katrinadehart @

  13. Looks delicious! Doing good here- it's very rural so it hasn't been that bad so far. Still have to go in to work but trying to get in some reading after.

  14. I used to make these and they were called "mother's forgotten cookies" because you warmed the oven, turned it off and left them in the oven overnight.

  15. These look amazing! Finally something I can (hopefully) make. ��

  16. This looks SO good! And I am doing OK. I am extremely fortunate to be able to work full time from home. Hope both of you are doing well as well. aut1063

  17. Love your books and that this is a treat that won't add too many calories. Am doing well keeping in touch with family and friends, using Instacart to have groceries delivered and thanks to having 3 local libraries available to me have been doing a lot of reading on the Kindle. sslovin

  18. This looks amazing! I love a chocolate cookie with my coffee! annabel

  19. What a super treat! Along with a good cup of coffee and a good book, what more could you ask for?

  20. Oh my! These look devilishly good! Melt in your mouth tastiness to munch on while reading! YUM! AM-L@sb

  21. Oh these look yummy. I've been listening to a lot of audiobooks. They're entertaining & distracting.

  22. Love the recipe. Anything chocolate �� lifts my spirits: Thank you for sharing your recipes & delicious re pies. cmeier2

  23. Good to hear you're well and healthy as I am in Southern California. Nice editing of the "doctored" book cover art. 😉 mrsclau

  24. Rebound NY. You can do it! That's what we're doing in masks in Montana, slowly but surely. judydee

  25. Thank you for all of the great recipes you share with us. It's so nice to have something new to make for the family.
    I love both of your mystery series and look forward to each release. I love Clare but also I have to admit my favorite has to be Madame. She is someone I'd love to spend the day with to hear her life stories. She seems like a really amazing person.
    I hope you and your husband are weathering this pandemic okay. We're doing alright but some days are harder than others. My daughter is with us but my boys are an hour away and I miss them. I have one of their dogs with me, a mini poodle mix to make it easier on them. Steven is a vet tech and considered essential as people need their pets taken care of. My other son lost his job as a dog groomer.
    I'm sad I'm going to not be with him for his birthday on May 5th and that I won't be with my boys for Mother's Day.
    I'm looking forward to the stay at home orders lifting but only when it's safe.

  26. thank you for the cookie recipe. my husband will love these.
    thank you so much for sharing your recipes with us.

  27. A simple, low ingredient recipe. Great when it's scary to go grocery shopping.

  28. Thank you for the delightful recipe for Little Chocolate Cotton Candies! They sounds like little puffs of heaven. I can't wait to try this recipe and share it with my wonderful hubby so I'm sure will love it as much as I will.

    I'm so glad that I married my best friend. Even after 37 years of marriage and weeks of stay at home orders, there is no one I'd rather be stuck at home with. We are both seniors and I have underlying conditions so there is no doubt we will be staying home. We had planned for over a year for a trip to see the national parks in Utah. It's where we would actually be now if we hadn't had to cancel it all. But there's always another time and our healthy and well-being is more important.

    Thank you for your wonderful books and this delicious recipe - both of which are a big help during this time!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Definitely need to make these! Brewed Awakening is my read for this weekend. I'll be all set with some great coffee, tasty Little Chocolate Cotton Candies and a fantastic book. Thank you! aimstark

  29. Okay these will be made soon. I'm finishing Brewed Awakening this evening so can't dawdle. laurie.a

  30. Can't wait to try these as I am isolating here in Pittsburgh.

  31. I think I will make these tomorrow, maybe even add some espresso powder for an extra kick! Thanks for all the great times! PS I'm going stir crazy, send more chocolate. Karena.

  32. Love ❤️ your coffee house series & recipes. Impatiently waiting for the next book.😊

  33. I have turned to your last few coffee house mysteries in the past couple of weeks and have ended up making: Oatmeal Cookie Muffins (My husband loved them!) and Easy Chocolate (Mocha) Ricotta Muffins (Heavenly!!). I wanted to try the Seven Minute Apple Doughnuts for Passover but am unable to get the Passover Cake Meal in my Colorado mountain town. Your books and recipes are getting me through this pandemic, Thank you SO much!!

  34. And...these Little Chocolate Cotton Candies are next on my list, after the Chocolate Chip Cobbler, that is!

  35. just printed the recipe for the chocolate cotton candies - will try! Keep those 2 series coming please!!

  36. This is the best series I read.Love the Coffeehouse. Have given book 1 to many over the years and hooked them too. Currently rereading the series. Recipes are so good. Those lemon cookies from Espresso Shot are to die for!!! I am currently baking alot!!.
    Stay well. Onepony

  37. I am new to your series and they all look like so much fun!! The recipes all look SOOOO delicious!! Having a hard time as to what to make first. Thank you!!

  38. These cookies are so adorable. I've made meringue, but not meringue cookies. Lately I've been cooking more savory foods so hubby doesn't get chubby ;-) spirit_

  39. love them - been making them for years and adding mini-chocolate chips for extra decadence. thanks

  40. These look really good and I appreciate that they are non-dairy. Thanks for sharing mary@kr

  41. Yummy! Can't wait to try. but I must as I made a banana chiffon cake today to with fresh strawberries. Since crops aren't ripe yet in pa...well. we lucked out. A local FARM is helping out another big farm in Georgia. The farm down in Georgia grew acres and acres of strawberries for the food service industry. With restaurants closing, the food service company canceled its contract just as berries were getting ready to pick. So the two who had helped each other out before (our farmers went down and helped them set up a corn maize), went to work on this. Maple lawn had berries shipped two weekends in a row and had a "drive through strawberry festival." Patrons of the farm shop, activites, and winery were all sent email. It was also on local news and Facebook. We ordered and paid on line, drove through the temporary road he cut through the property, showed our receipt through the closed window. A paper was put on our windshield, then we drove the big equipment barn, popped the trunk, and our strawberries were loaded in. On the first weekend they also sold wine from their winery...but didn't on second weekend. Imagine they had to restrict it because of loaders being teens. Pa is pretty strict about this. This next weekend starts blueberries also up from Ga. Sure it makes some money for Maple Lawn Farms in York county pa... but we all were served by helping out people that may have had to let all of this rot in the fields. We've frequented Maple Lawn Farms since we moved to pa in 1986. Always get kids, grandkids, and great grandkids to the fall activities as well as picking our own mlm peaches, canningG and baking. So a bigcshout out to Farmer Hugh and family at Maple Lawn Farms! As for the rest of us...we've three families living in this house...except for an adult nurse, everyone elsexworks from home. We can get testy with one because my husband and I are older....and I have a compromised immune the zoo keepers lock the doors. Haven't been out in about 7 weeks now. Hardest part is our beloved greatgrands are 8 and 10...and can't come visit. Sigh. Thank goodness for facetime!

    Thank you for your generosity and being an author. Did you ever think you'd have a career that literally is keeping millions sane? Bless you. Bless New York...and well keep you, your, and your city in prayer. I know it sounds trite...but it is meant from the heart. LaFonRC@

  42. All of your recipes sound so good. As for how I'm doing, I'm hanging in there. Reading helps a lot. clugsto

  43. Oh my...these chocolate clouds sound absolutely amazing! Thank you. catwoma

  44. Trying to stay positive in pennsylvania. This recipe is a bright spot in our day. Thanks!! Grucasm

  45. Starting to go a bit stir crazy here in PA, so going to give this recipe a try! Thanks for sharing your yummy recipes! kjdugas

  46. Oh my, I can't wait to put one in my coffee!

  47. love all your books when can i preorder your new coffie house book and its clair but i love all of them

  48. I love your recipes, and this one looks like another winner! Woot! Making them over the weekend! mlsmyth

  49. I got my mom hooked on the Coffeehouse series and it's the only cozy mystery she'll listen to! We're waiting for the last two books in audio format from our local library, I wish they'd hurry up! In the mean time, I'm rereading the entire series. BTW, Esther is my favorite supporting character, I want to be like her when I grow up! Patmoor

  50. I can not wait to try these; they look so good! I also want to try your coffee. I'm always interested in good coffee from small coffee shops

  51. They look so yummy. The perfect antidote for staying at home

  52. During this COVID-19 chapter in our lives, toilet paper is not the only thing that has been missing from grocery store shelves. Flour is hard to find, also. So, the meringue cookie recipe provides an additional bonus. Thanks for another thoughtful gift. I have made these before with just cocoa and a mocha version using cocoa and espresso powder. Yes, I am one of those who are re-reading the coffeehouse mystery series in between new reads. It is like visiting with old friends.

    1. Congratulations to you, Lois, on winning our prize package giveaway! By now, you know you've won, and I want to thank you for entering with your kind comment.

      We’re also sending a big THANK YOU to EVERYONE who took the time to connect with us by leaving a comment here. Our announced winner (Lois R. of MA) was chosen by random number draw, but we would have given a prize to all of you if we could. (Maybe someday!) Until then, we want to thank you for keeping us inspired. We've read every single one of your comments, and we've truly enjoyed hearing from all of you.

      We'll have more news about our upcoming book releases in our next newsletter, along with a brand-new prize package giveaway. In the meantime...

      Congrats again to Lois, and thanks, everyone!

      ~ Cleo

  53. These so remind me of the special meringue cookies we had as children on Christmas Eve. Thank you for the memories.

  54. These look amazing!!! I love anything coffee flavored and I am going to try these!! Thanks for the giveaway! bentleyboy22(at)comcast(dot)net

  55. My grandma made something very similar to these but they included nutmeg and ground nuts. I will definitely be trying these very soon! We are sheltering-in-place in Illinois along the banks of the Big Muddy River (Mississippi) and enjoying working in the yard and hope to have my large garden planted this weekend. I am still working remotely and enjoying being home with my 25 year old son and my best pal, Montezuma Alexander (my dog - or the son I didn't give birth to).

  56. I just love your books and recipes. Will definitely try those meringue cookies. My whole family will enjoy them, especially the ones that need gluten free desserts. We are all doing well here in Vermont, a little chilly still, but hoping that spring will move along soon. One of our daughter's and husband have been here with us from NYC for about a month now. Glad that they got out of the city and are safe and healthy with us, and can work remotely. Good time to be retired - plenty of time to garden, cook, and bake. ingeborg.white

  57. While I've never made meringue in my life, I might give it a whirl with these chocolate clouds of deliciousness. Currently still on the stay-in-place order in Indianapolis but it looks like I'll be heading back to work on the 8th. Gives me time to work on my own writing projects. Thanks for all the wonderful books! JBcricket20(at)gmail(dot)com.

  58. These look so cute. I hope you're doing well - we're self-isolating (with books, of course!). Thank you for the opportunity to enter the giveaway: khpinel

  59. Meringues are easy, and so's this recipe. Thanx for the opportunity Cleo asl@fox***

  60. Love your books and recipes!! I would have never thought to make chocolate meringues, they sound so good. Hope you are staying safe and sane at home. I am trying to here. Thank you for the chance to win darholl

  61. These look so cool! I bet my teen daughter would love trying to make these. Yummy!

    brookeb is the first 7 of my email

  62. Yours is the only book I’ve read this quarantine, crazy right? I love this series and read this last book in a day! I couldn’t put it down, love the characters and it felt sad when it was over so hope that next book is ready. :). I love the recipes, probably will have to try the Daisy drink. Cocktails are what I like to mix up in my kitchen! Keep writing and stay safe! Cdube34

  63. These are delicious, both as a cookie and in coffee. Thanks for the chance to win. I love both the Village Blend stories and Jack Shepard!

  64. Thank you!!!! As a celiac who loves chocolate these cookies are ideal. Can't wait to make them, going to add cream of tartar to my online order today!!!!
    We are doing ok during our lock down, we are lucky to live out in the country on the Canadian northern shore of Lake Erie. We do canning and so still have a large supply of spaghetti sauce, chili sauce, salsa and jams and jellies. I was lucky enough to order and receive a stash of gluten free baking supplies recently and my husband has stocked up on meat. We are living the life, getting projects accomplished that we previously had not had the time to complete.
    Busy at the moment growing seedlings to plant in our garden. Should be enough to feed us and our 3 adult children and their families.
    Wishing you all the best during this ever evolving time in our lives,
    take care,

  65. These look so light and fluffy! Thanks for sharing the recipe. Be safe! canbymom

  66. These cookies look fantastic!
    I love the photo of the glossy peaks, before adding the cocoa. Something about it grabs me visually.
    libbydodd at comcast dot net

  67. These look delicious. I am handling quarantine fairly well: plenty of books, puzzles and diamond dot kits.

  68. these look fabulous. I can't do meringue. Stay safe. kckendl

  69. Now that recipe looks delicious. Your books look like great reads. Would love to win, read and review paperback version of book(s).
    Hope I win giveaway.
    First 7 characters of email address are: don.ste

  70. Looks like a great recipe and I would like eating them (and letting someone else make them). I am staying busy so haven't had to read more like others, but have found many to read soon.

  71. This recipe sounds great. I like the idea of floating it in coffee. Chocolate, coffee and one of your books = heaven. bobnton

  72. So far all is good for us. There's only 2 in my family that can work from home, the rest still have been going to work. I've been doing my usual reading, yard work, housework, cook & bake for the hubby & drinking coffee!I do miss seeing my 2 oldest kids & grandkids, I do see my youngest daughter & my youngest grand & my youngest son comes over on Sundays, but we stay outside. So all in all, it's all ok.I need/want to have a yard sale while it's been cool outside but I guess that will have to wait for a while longer, which means 90+ temp outside Thanks nani_ge

  73. I have a similar recipe for this cookie from an old Betty crocker cookbook. I've always add espresso powder and mini chocolate chips. Have also used raspberry chocolate swirl chips. Askelo50, Colleen

  74. Cleo, I love your books! Your Coffeehouse Mysteries and your Haunted Bookshop series have gotten me through this crazy shelter at home month. This recipe is perfect. I like chocolate but I'm eating way too much at home. I like the idea of a lighter chocolate cookie. Thank you so much for suggesting this and sharing the way you make it. The photos and little videos make it very easy to follow. I think this would be fun for kids, too. Take care of yourself and please keep writing! Darla - Tambor5

  75. These little treats look divine. Very clever to compare them to little chocolate cotton candies. Perfect -- like your books. I so enjoy your Coffeehouse series. It takes me away from the stress of these days. I also love the newsletters. Keep them coming, Cleo, the books and the newsletters! x2chand

  76. Those cookies look good and pretty simple to make! :) I always love your recipes. ;) AS far as how I'm doing... doing alright. Not too much has changed in my life. Still been working (thankfully) and I already live alone, so the whole isolation thing hasn't really been an issue for me. :D So far my family are all doing good too, even if my parents are getting cabin fever.

    1. These look delicious and I'm sure to make this recipe for my "tiny tea party" this summer. I love having my girlfriends over for theme tea parties and they have little girls which are all between the ages of 1 and 4. Perfect for a tiny tea party. Thank you Cleo for your wonderful books and recipes. Here in St. Cloud, MN we are doing well. The weather is warming up and people are working in the yard and walking the neighborhood. People are smiling and doing the best they can. My love to you and Marc. I know this is scary but I believe to every storm you can find a silver lining. Much LOVE

  77. I always forget the email part - sorry. The first 7 letters are:

  78. Doing well in Chicago. Hope you and Marc are doing well also. Recipe looks really tasty. Take care and stay safe.

  79. Looks like I have some extra things to pick up from the grocery store tomorrow. I'm looking forward to trying these. I hope you and yours are doing well. All is well here. Stay safe! Coffee and chocolate will help us get through this!

  80. These cookies look fabulous, gonna have one of the twins make them. :@)

  81. lovindjh I love how you put a mask on Clare on the cover.

  82. I'm doing okay, trying to keep my kiddos safe.
    I try to not get worried about what is going on,but I do.
    I noticed it helps if I get outside,even to get the mail.
    Baking,cooking, reading and spending time with my kiddos helps too.
    Thanks for the books,emails,recipes and keeping us updated ! Stay safe.

    1. donnaing1
      I’ve been keeping busy by gardening, cooking lots of new recipes, cleaning and organizing. There are now 9 bags of clothing and household items ready to be dropped at the thrift store when they reopen.
      Love your recipes.

  83. Dear Cleo,
    I wanted to comment under the cookie recipe to enter the contest but I guess I'm more of a techno dinosaur than I even thought. I couldn't find where to "comment" so I will do so here in hopes of it getting where it needs to go...I can't wait to make this cookies. I have put off baking pretty much anything sweet during this "lock down" as I didn't want to add to my waistline. I have been exercising, rather vigorously, during this whole weirdness but again have tried to avoid the "sweet stuff". These little chocolate dreams are going to be just thing to hit the "sweet spot" and not do too much damage. Hooray for this recipe. They are chocolate, low in sugar and fat, and did I mention...they are CHOCOLATE! Love your books, have "heard" them all and so enjoy listening to them as I can go on doing things I "should" be doing and get my reading fix as well. Keep them coming. I only wish they came closer together!!!
    Thank you,
    Mimi -- purplem

  84. I love the Little Chocolate Cotton Candies recipe! So light and delicious with coffee, of course! Pattie -- pattiew

  85. These sound tasty. I have non chocolate ones

  86. What an amazing chocolate cookie recipe. I am immediately sending to all my gluten free friends (and others) by sharing the link to your newsletter
    Thanks for the many fun books

  87. Just in time for Mother's Day, my turn finally came up for the Ghost and the Bogus Bookseller, and I am thoroughly enjoying it! I hope you and Marc will be writing more of that series, too. Although I love both series. Thank you for bringing laughter and excitement to us! - colorad

  88. Those clouds look amazing! The book sounds awesome, too!

  89. I am definitely cooking more in this quarantine. Reading lots of books which is great! Thank you for the chance.

  90. Your recipe looks fabulous. I have always loved meringue cookies. When they are chocolate, they are even better!


  91. These are little drops of heaven! My second batch I upped the chocolate factor and added chocolate chips. SO yummy!

  92. Gennzee
    I grew up with a twin who loved to cook, so I never learned. When I had my own family, I was really nervous to start trying, and these recipes gave me the confidence. Every single one has been great and now I am starting to enjoy it. Thank you so much!

  93. They look really good will have to try them.

  94. I’ve been happily making your gingerbread crackle cookies from Holiday Buzz while isolating here in Oregon. Just needed that comfort food. Now that the temps are reaching into the 80s and 90s I’m ready to try something lighter and these fit the bill perfectly! Hubby agrees. Thanks! tucknanne

  95. Oh goodness I love those kind of cookies where you can eat a bite and it just melts in your mouth. Eastern Iowa doesn't have a lot of bakeries like they had in Ca where I previously lived but I loved to go to the bakery and wow picked a dozen or more of my favorite cookies and this looks like one of them. It was how I treated myself as a mom I would run on my lunch hour. Take a few into work and enjoy my afternoon as a teacher so good. Now i am battling a disease but my hubby likes to cook so I am lucky I provide the recipe and he will make it and then I clean up at my speed. This is one that he will enjoy making he has made many of your recipes that I have found in your books or at Mystery Kitchen with the other authors. Thank you for posting this and I hope you are enjoying your Mothers Day! peggy clayton ptclayton2 at

  96. bmccall Cleo can't wait to try these cookies. We're doing fine. We're in South Carolina and they are starting to open up slowly. We can go to the beach and eat at outdoor seating at restaurants but still keeping our distance. There are restrictions on seating at the restaurants. Thanks for offering this giveaway!

  97. I love meringue cookies... only ever had white with chocolate chips. Gotta try these.

  98. cherylt - these look delicious! I always print the recipe guide for each book and keep a folder with them. I have tried many of your recipes and have great success with them! Thank - stay well and stay safe.

  99. Mrscamp - Lovely looking cookies. I hope to try them sometime. I love ch9colate and coffee so guilt free would be amazing To my taste buds. I've been so busy during this covid-19 being a "distance learning" teacher, no time to enjoy baking leisure with all the planning, prepping, creating, assigning and checking of assignments daily, weekly, then repeat! But my family and I are safe and healthy.

  100. These little chocolate clouds sound delicious! I’ve had these little meringue cookies before and they just melted in my mouth. jeanna_

  101. These cookies look amazing and they are gluten free. Life is the same for me as I must babysit for my daughter who is in health care.

  102. Looks delicious! Looking forward to trying out the recipe.
    Thank you for writing this fun series. They're my escape and I can't wait to read the next one.

  103. madamha Thank you for the recipe and giveaway! I think the cookies would work well with a weight loss program I am undertaking for an occasional treat. I am doing well in that I can still go to work and have been able to the past two months.

  104. Those look good! Since we are not able to get out too much, we're baking and cooking a lot more. It's been fun - keeping busy reading and crafting! blpete6

  105. LOVE your recipes, and your books! Thanks so much for sharing! LBScant

  106. I'm a little late seeing this but I can't wait to try these! aliciaf

  107. Little Chocolate Cotton Candies from Cleo Coyle + Book & Tote #Giveaway

    You can not go wrong with cholcolate and coffee...will have to try this recipe. Looks easy to make.


  108. I can't wait to try. I only shop on Saturday morning. My husband and I go out early for additional protection. There are fewer people--so less contact. During the week I teach my 2nd grade class online each day for about an hour and 15 minutes. The rest of the time I am at home teaching a 5th and 9th grader. I still think it is easier to teach 14 seven-year olds instead of only 2 students. Love your books and wish I could jump into your novels and live there. God's peace and good health to you and all of your readers.

  109. Chocolate clouds sound delicious 😋 yum I need to make these soon. Thank you for the recipe. Stay healthy and please keep writing your 2 series. They are both so much fun to read.donakut

  110. I'm very lucky in that my workplace is still open and I can work from home, so my life has not changed too drastically. Roswita


  111. These ‘clouds‘ look delicious!

  112. jackien53 can't wait to try this, looks yummy. looking forward to try other recopies I drool over while listening to the books.

  113. Cleo, I don't know how I would have held it together during Covid if not for my friends at the Village Blend! I've been baking treats all the time and I listen to your books while I sip coffee and bake along with Claire. <3 I can't wait to try out these fluffy cookies!
    First seven characters of my email: blairjy

  114. This giveaway is now over. Congratulations to our winner, by random number draw: LOIS R. from Massachusetts!

    Sending a big THANKS to all of you who took the time to stop by and catch us up on how you’re doing. Marc and I read every single one of your wonderful comments, and we wish we could give a prize package to each of you. (Maybe someday!) Until then, we want to thank you for keeping us inspired. We'll have more news soon about our upcoming books in our next newsletter, along with another fun prize package. In the meantime…

    Congrats again to Lois. Cheers, everyone, be well and stay safe out there!

    ~ Cleo
